Welcome to Example Federation

Shirley RoutleyFederation Chairman

Welcome to the Somerset Federation

Hello and welcome to the website of the WI in Somerset - a county of such diverse contrasts as The Levels, Wetlands, 5 ranges of hills, a dramatic coastline, being the home of Arthur's Wessex with mystic Glastonbury and Wells - the smallest city in England.

As life becomes ever more hectic the WI, with its traditional values but modern outlook, is appealing to more and more 'Inspiring Women'. Whatever your interests....we can offer you something in the Somerset Federation.

With approximately 3000 members and 107 Institutes we are one of the larger federations, combining the best of the past with the knowledge of the present, whilst looking for the innovative bright ideas of the future.

Our headquarters are in Bridgwater. This is the administrative centre for the Board of Trustees, the Sub-Committees, WI Advisors and our welcoming office staff - on call Monday to Thursday 9:30am to 3:30pm. The Board of Trustees oversees all Sub-Committees and the finances of the Federation, whereas WI Advisors are here to create new WI's in Somerset and help, support and advise our existing ones.

Each WI in our Federation has a real 'flavour' of its own but whichever one you choose to visit will give you a warm welcome and offer an opportunity to meet new friends and learn more aout your area. For more information please ring the Federation Secretary on 01278 496400 or email fedsec@somerset-wi.org.uk

We look forward to welcoming you....

Shirley Routley
Federation Chairman