April Newsletter

Litton and Hinton Blewett W1

April 2022

The business part of the meeting reported a good uptake of fees for 2022, and the collection taken at the last meeting for Ukraine raised £147, which was sent to DEC.

The Sewing Group have almost completed the banner and are looking for more interesting buttons with background stories to complete the quilting.

The Centenary Party will be in Litton on 11th May at 5.00 pm – all members are encouraged to be there to celebrate.

We welcomed Steve Price for a third visit knowing that he is a very entertaining speaker.  Steve is a long-distance, cold water swimmer.  As a small child he had no fear of water and soon became an accomplished swimmer.  While living in Clevedon, he took part in the Clevedon Long Swim and became hooked on the sport and joined the Long-Distance Swimming Association.  His first cross channel swim was abandoned 4 miles from Calais due to rough seas and floating debris. One year later, a second crossing also had to be abandoned due to deteriorating weather and finally a third Crossing was successful, taking 15 hours.

Subsequently, he has swum many marathon swims including the difficult Scotland to Ireland crossing and the Alcatraz to San Francisco route.  Extreme cold-water temperatures, debris in the water and jellyfish are some of the hazards of long swims.

His talk was full of humour, funny anecdotes and the Hall was frequently filled with laughter.