June Newsletter

Litton and Hinton Blewett WI 

June 2022

The June garden meeting was at Widcombe Farm, the home of Celia and Colston Gay.  Over twenty ladies assembled for the business meeting, when congratulatory cards from our Centenary were shown, together with photos from the Mendip Times.

Next, Colston showed us around his bio-digester plant which uses manure from his 500 dairy cows plus 500 other animals.  The digester works like a cow’s stomach and gives off carbon dioxide and methane which is burnt to produce electricity – sufficient to provide the equivalent of most of Bishop Sutton’s needs.  The whole process is highly automated and very 21st century.  After going through several stages, the resultant liquid is pumped off to use as a fertiliser and the solids make a wonderful nutritious mulch; it was all very interesting.

We admired the lovely garden, then retired to the tea rooms to escape the wind for a delicious supper. Many thanks to Celia and Colston.

The next meeting will be at Milton Gardens, Wells, visitors will be welcome but please book.  There will be a coffee morning in August and a walk and lunch in aid of ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) in the future.