March Newsletter

Litton and Hinton Blewett WI

March 2022

A collection was taken for the crisis in Ukraine, a terrible situation which touches all our hearts.

The bunting made by the Sewing Group was on display and will go to the Bath & West Show.  The Group was praised for making 673 heart cushions and 176 Driver Bags for use in oncology wards.

Neil Clarke stepped into the breach when the booked speaker was unavailable.

He is a very talented photographer and film maker and showed us film of starling murmurations on the Somerset levels, a sight that attracts thousands of visitors during the winter months.

The starlings come from Scandinavia and winter here on the reed beds of the levels.  At dusk many thousands arrive and swoop back and forth like an aerial ballet, searching for a safe place to roost where no predators are lurking.  It is estimated that 3 to 5 million come to Somerset. No birds of prey can penetrate such a tight cluster of birds moving at speed.  It was a very impressive film.  The murmurations are best seen at Shapwick and Ham Wall.

The supper had an Irish theme to celebrate St  Patrick’s Day.

Coming Events;

  • Ladies Dance Night.   2nd April at Litton.  7.30 pm – 11.00 pm. Themed Buffet £10.00   All ladies welcome for booking and details ring 07912218275
  • 11th May Centenary Party
  • 11th June Litton Fete